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  • "Could not resolve host:" in module "mod_sp_weather"

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    "Could not resolve host:" in module "mod_sp_weather"

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Transportation Guide

Bike Trails in Chico

jm-cityChico is a bike friendly town filled with many bike trails for your riding enjoyment.
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Taxi Services in Chico

jm-cityCheck out all of the Taxi services at your disposal in Chico California.
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See the Bus Schedule

jm-cityThe B-Line is Chico's official bus system.  For bus schedules click on see more.
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Mike G Ride

jm-cityA truly Unique Chico Experience. A safe and entertaining alternative to Drinking and driving as well as fun for all ages to enjoy. Perfect for date night rides, weddings, or just wanna experience a revolutionary modern style buggy ride. Complete with a full audio system.
See more

Noteworthy Events


Annual Polar Bear Swim

jm-cityLower Bidwell Park in Chico CA, Annual Polar Bear Swim across Lower Bidwell Park's Sycamore Pool starting at 1 pm.  This is a no-host event--you just show up at the appropriate time. Even if you don't want to brave the chilly waters, this is a fun park event to attend and you're sure to see some of your neighbors and friends!

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Taste Of Chico

jm-cityOver 100 restaurants, breweries, wineries and beverage distributors
treat event participants to fabulous fare while they stroll Downtown
streets brimming with culture. Four main stages host continuous, live
music and performances while the “Open Air Art Gallery” previews fine
artists from the Chico Art Center’s Open Studios Art Tour. See more




Event Count Down

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Chico, Upper Bidwell Park

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